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WJFTC Community Projects

Slave River

Slave River Park was one of the largest slave markets.

Makandal Daaga

The Makandal Daaga Library and Museum.

Princess Town

Princess Town, also known as ‘Prince’s Town’.

Moore Town

The conquest of Jamaica by the English in 1655.


Agona-Ashanti occupies a very great place.

Santa Maria

Afromexican native dance, Danza de los Diablo.





Slave River
May 21 to 26, 2024

A WJFTC Community Project

Slave River Park was one of the largest slave markets for gathering people to sell into slavery.

Slave River


Assin Manso Ancestral Slave River Park was one of the largest slave markets for gathering people to sell into slavery during the infamous trans-Atlantic slave trade. It is especially worth seeing as a prelude to viewing Cape Coast slave castle since you will be following the route taken by the ancestors of many African Americans.

It was the final link in the slavery route from northern Ghana and was known to have been the largest slave market for the merchants supplying slaves on the forts and castles on the coast.

Trans – Atlantic slave trade came about when people needed to work in agriculture and mines since the Europeans were not suitable to the climate and were not able to survive the tropical diseases during the agricultural and mine work. Trans – Atlantic slave trade because, already manufactured goods (tobacco, spirits, beads, cloths, guns, etc.) were taken from Europe to Africa in exchange for human beings. Then the exchanged goods (human beings) are shipped to work on plantations and mines. The merchants then returned to Europe with the produce from the slave labor plantations (cloths, sugar, tobacco, etc.). The transport of slaves from Africa to America formed the middle passage of the triangular trade.

Accommodation Facility

Plans are far advanced to construct a hostel facility and amusement park right closer to the River so that Visitors can lodge.

Photo Gallery

Click on the image to view full size.

Other Projects

Moore Town

Moore Town

A museum and cultural centre for the exhibition and preservation of Maroon heritage.

Princess Town

Princess Town

Best known as the site of the elegant Brandenburg-built Fort Gross Friedrichsburg, constructed in 1683.


May 21-26, 2024

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